Bottom feeder meaning
Bottom feeder meaning

They’re also a good fit for tanks with African cichlids 2. In our opinion, they’re one of the most pretty bottom feeder fish out there Caring for them is very straightforward too which is a big plus. noun bottom feeder (Idiomatic) (by extension) A person who operates amidst or thrives on the unwholesome things in a society one who takes advantage of the misfortune of others. They’ll liven up your tank with the distinct patterns and dots on their bodies.With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio. noun bottom feeder A fish or other aquatic creature that feeds off the bottom of its habitat a flatfish. Learn the translation for bottom-feeder in LEOs English German dictionary.bottom (v.) 1540s, 'to put a bottom on,' from bottom (n.). Bottom-feeder, originally of fishes, is from 1866. Meaning 'posterior of a person' (the sitting part). One common variety of slopsucker hunts for large prime numbers. Meaning 'fundamental character, essence' is from 1570s to get to the bottom of some matter is from 1773. Also called a "hungry puppy" or "bottom feeder" (after the fishermen's and naturalists' term for finny creatures who subsist on the primordial ooze).

bottom feeder meaning

  • noun Technical meaning of bottom feeder /slop'suhk-r/ A lowest-priority task that only runs when the computer would otherwise be idle.
  • noun bottom feeder a person who preys upon or panders to the base qualities of others 3.
  • Princetons WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: bottom-feeder noun.

    bottom feeder meaning

    Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word bottom feeder. Entries where bottom feeder occurs: mope: (informal) Noun mope (pl. abbreviation BOTTOM FEEDER bottom fish 3 Definition of bottom feeder in the dictionary.noun bottom feeder a speculator who buys shares in companies that are performing poorly in anticipation of improved performance 3.noun bottom feeder an objectionable and unimpressive person or thing 3.noun bottom feeder a fish that feeds on material at the bottom of a river, lake, sea, etc 3.abbreviation Technical meaning of BOTTOM FEEDER slopsucker 3.

    Bottom feeder meaning